Friday, July 29, 2011

hoes evrywhere

Same Day: On The Football Field under the Tree’s

Waka: so who house the next party gonna be at
Lauren: I wanna do it at my house this time
waka: aight that’s cool I hope u know how 2 throw parties
Lauren: trust me I do
Waka: drake u the one who set up the dates for all this when u think the parties gonna be
Drake: it depend when can Lauren have it
Lauren: well… my parents are out of town next Friday
Drake: for how long
Lauren: for a week
Drake: how many parties you think you can throw
Lauren: like two
Drake: like one on Friday and one on Saturday
Lauren: yea dats good
Drake: and nelly always does the invitations so u got that right
Shannel: yea of course
Drake: and nicki….
Nicki: I will just bring my fine self right
Drake: that too and figure out what food we need
Nicki: but I don’t wanna
Drake: please for me
Nicki: aight I’ll do it for lauren
Drake: 0.o don’t you mean do it for me
Nicki: no I meant what I said
Drake: well imma just think you said my name
Nicki: you do that then
Drake: anyway, my nigga SB
SB: whats up
Drake: you know all the good music don’t you
SB: and you know this
Drake: well you gonna pick out the music for the DJ
SB: aight that’s good with me
Drake: well I guess that’s all for today as soon as he said that diamond and kat came over to they group and everybody gave them the stank face

Chris: mane what yall hoes want
Kat: how many times we gotta tell yall we aint no hoes
E/b: ummmmhmmmm whatever as they said that maliah walked over and everybody started laughing at how bruised up her face is
Omari: mane nicki busted you up lmao you look like them folks from wrong turn
Beyonce: lmao she look like the girl
Chris: why yall gotta lie that’s a insult to that girl from that move she look worse then that
Riri: yall stop im dying over here
Ciara: DAMN girl I don’t think you should have come to school look at your face it aint like yo mama made you
Miliah: actually she did
Waka: it must be cuz u goy your ass beat SHIT that gon teach you a lesson
Kat: ooo girl I kno u aint goin
Miliah: I don’t got time for them anyway jus hurry up so we can go
Kat: you just gonna let them check you like that aight
Miliah: shutup and hurry up
Diamond: AIGHT DANG umm I came over here to talk to SB
Shannel: FOR WHAT?
SB: yea why?
Diamond: I just wanted to ask you a question
SB: whats the question
Diamond: I wanted to ask you it in private
SB: anything you got to say 2 me you can say it in front of my crew
Diamond: ummm okay I just wanted to know when we could go on a date
Chris: he aint NEVER I repeat NEVER gonna go on a date with yo hoe ass
SB: yea what my nigga said
Nicki: but he is however going on a date with my nelly
Diamond and shannel just mean mugged each other until omari spoke up
Omari: yea now go on and take ya crew back to the dog shelter
Diamond: shut yo bitch ass uo and go suck a dick
Omari: shut that shit up before I get my girl cece to hop on yo ass
Diamond: yea whatever she aint gonna do shit
Cece: bitch I will beat them fake ass diamonds off of you now take yo ass on somewhere
Nicki: yea leave before yall end up like yall friend yall need to stay in the hood like rats for real
Kat: mane whateva lets go yall
Ass they walked off miliah mean mugged nicki and diamond mean mugged shannell and cece while they jumped at them

Omari: im glad they gon them hoes annoying don’t they kno nobody want them except them thirsty niggas
Chris: 4real tho but aye imma see yall tomorrow

Everybody dapped up and gave hugs and went there separate ways

Drake: imma call you tonight
Nicki: aight ttyl they kissed and got in their car and headed home

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Kat: well well well look who we got here
Nicki: u got the Barbie here now what u want and where yall leader
Diamond: u dont look like no damn Barbie and she aint our leader
Nicki: and bitch u look like a hood rat and from what I see she is yall leader and don’t start nothing with me cuz yall don’t wanna end up like yall friend
Diamond : we not startin nothing I jus wanted to know if ur friend is seeing somebody
Nicki: who
Diamond: that tall dark skinned dude with the fitted cap\
Nicki: SB
Diamond: yea him he cute
Nicki: he not seeing nobody rite now but he will soon and I don’t think your his type
Diamond: who is he going to be seeing and what does that supposed 2 mean
Nicki: he will be dating shannell and it means he don’t like hoes like you she said walking away with a smurk on her face
Kat: lol well I gues she told you
Diamond: shutup she knows I can have him I can have whoever I want and I aint a hoe
Kat: girl I doubt they crew would let you anywhere near them they always got classes together
Diamond: yea we’ll see about that

OJ: what was they talking bout nicki
Nicki: diamond said she wanna date SB
OJ: mane don’t nobody want them hoes especially SB
Nicki: ikr that’s what im saying why would anybody want them hoes
SB: hey yall what they want
OJ: diamond wanted to go with u
SB: hell nawl I would never especially not with her
Nicki: that’s what we said soo…. What is the date of you and nelly date
SB: its this Saturday
Nicki: awwww safaree and Nelly sittin in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G
OJ: so I see my dude SB gonna get him 1 I see how you do it
Nicki: aren’t they the cutest couple

They chatted the rest of the class about what they were doing this weekend .
The bell rang and they headed to the next class

Nicki: so Nelly are u excited bout ur date and havin a future boo
Nelly: but what if I don’t like him nicki you know im picky
Drake: trust me you will I think he your type
Lauren: yea and you finally stop looking so lonely at our partys
Drake: yea I was tired of seeing your pouty face at partys and you be ready to go way 2 early
Nicki: dang nelly ur such a party pooper and I love partys im gonna be ready 4 them mane imma be crunk
Drake: ikr im ready 2 see you dance and on me especially on me
Nicki: shush lover boy
nelly:yea whatever

they didnt have a teacher so you already know what time it was

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

just another day

nicki: hey yall wats up
E/B: hey nicki
SB: ummm hey sooo i heard I need 2 see the video who got it
nicki: im surprised u wasn’t there I would think u catch all the fights
SB: i usually do but I wasn’t after school that long yesterday so who recorded it
waka: ayye u know i do bruh
Lauren: me 2
SNL: me 3
drake: me 4
SB: so im guessin everybody saw i except 4 me that aint wats up
E/B: yep
SB: so i guess im gonna watch em all fr6m different angles

he went to watch the videos and he kept saying "oooh" and "damn" the whole time

SB: so I saw the videos and i must say.... DAMN nicki u beat that hoe ass I wanna see what her face look like i hope she come 2 school
Omar5: I don’t see how somebody that tiny can do that much damage
nicki: dont the the shortness fool u
omari: i sholl wont
Lauren: aye nicki don’t we got a class with her
nicki: yea language arts 6th period but that’s tomorrow
lauren: uh uhh I saw her in 3rd period math i forgot to tell u
nicki: well im glad I got my coons to distract me from that bitch today
SB: PAM PAM the best coon alive
waka: but im the most ignorant coon alive
SB: but im the iciest
nicki: yea yall can be that but rite now we need to get to class

they headed to dance class and they were practicing in groups today so nicki decided to start the plan of getting SB and SNL together

nicki: Lauren we gon start the plan u remember wat i said
Lauren: yea i remember i all
nicki: ok go go go
Lauren walked over o where bey, sb, nl, Omari , Chris, and cece were sitting

Lauren: shannel can i talk to u for a minute
snl: yea sure
they walked outside in the hall for a minute
Lauren: so do u have any body ur interested in l at this school
snl: nope
Lauren: nobody at all
snl: nope
Lauren: u sure
snl: positive
Lauren: well i have somebody u might like
snl: ok who is it
Lauren: well i think u should date......

nicki: sb can i talk to u for a minute
sb: yea sure nickster
they went to a corner in the room
nicki: do u like any girls in this school not the friendly like either
sb: no'
nicki: well do u think could go out with...

Lauren: cmon nelly jus ry him 1 time and if u don’t like him u wont have to go on another date with him cmon plz 4 me
snl: y should i
Lauren: cuz when every body all coupled up u and him gonnna be the only ones looking all lonely
snl: ughh okay imma try
Lauren: yay thank you nelly she said hugging her

Nicki: so u liked her all this and never asked her out
SB: yea im kinda shy
Nicki: oh u a shy guy I DON’T WANT NO SHYYYYY GUYYY
SB: dang nicki why u got 2 be so loud

They all went back to their seats and sb and snl were staring a each other most of the time they were in the class
The bell rung so they headed out the door on to the next class and caught up with riri down the hall

Nicki: hey riri
Riri: hey nicki im glad u beat that girl ass
Nicki: dang don’t nobody like her what she do 2 u
Riri: she the reason I broke up with my ex Mario and she knew bout me and him its a long story
Nicki: she is a hoe I see why nobody like her

They entered the class room and riri sat with nicki, drake, wayne, and keri this time

Riri: hey yall
E/B: hey riri
Nicki: hey yall
E/B: hey nicki
Drake: I hope I get my hug and kiss today
Nicki: I guess she said walking over 2 him
Drake: that’s what I thought
Nicki: umhm so what we gon do in this class today
Wayne: she gon probably make us do sum dang worksheets today
Nicki: good cuz I HATE bookwork
Keri: well she don give us much bookwork in here
Nicki: good
Keri:oh and thankyou for beating that bitch ass I don’t like
Nicki: dang u 2 she must be the hoe of the school
Keri: yep her and 2 oher girls
Nicki: whats they name
Keri: diamond and this girl det call herself kat stacks
Nicki: I know to stay away from them cuz I am NOT finna be known as a school hoe
Drake: yea I don’t know why she call herself kat STACKS she don’t got no stacks she broke as a bitch
Nicki: lmao damn drake that’s cold
Drake: im jus speakin he truth
Keri: yes u are she still all the dudes she fuck money
Drake: and I don’t see y that bitch call herself diamond all the diamonds I seen her wear is fake all them bitches jus broke
Riri: that’s true I never seen her wear no real diamonds out of all the times I seen her
Wayne: well I aint fuck them
Drake: well I don’t trust these bitches
Wayne: me either
Drake: Trust Issues
Nicki: oh im waitin on safaree and shannell to get together so we can have a quintuple date
Drake: what bout waka
Nicki: oh yeah I forgot about him but he need a girlfriend and bey need a boyfriend
Drake: waka got a girlfriend her name megan fox and bey got a boyfriend remember jay Nicki: how come I get all the info late
Drake: cus u don’t ask
Nicki: whatever fathead do your work
They had small conversations and did their worksheets the rest of the class the bell rung and they headed to math

Nicki: I hope I don’t have to sit on the table today ken
Drake: who the hell is ken
Nicki: im the Barbie and you’re the Ken
Drake: ohhh wel maybe maybe not Barbie

As soon as he said that she saw the 3 hoes of the school in the exact same class she didn’t want them to be in and they were mean mugging her

Nicki: damn mane why they gotta be in this class
Drake: it aight they aint gonna mess with you I mean look how you did they friend and besides you can sit by me baby
Nicki: I guess ayyye look its my nigga OJ Da Juice she said yelling across the room
OJ: aye nicki what it do down there
Nicki: nuthin I jus need u and waka 2 make me laugh today since we aint doin nothing today

As she said that the hoes of the school walked up to her

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Here It Comes

As nicks turned her car off and got out she could hear her mom from the outside of the house on the phone

Nicki: dang mama aright im comin (pauz)
Mom: don’t you dang me I got a call from your school today

Dang why did she have to find out I hope daddy here he always got my back

Mom: so your getting in fights and it not even a whole week of school yet what did you get in a fight this time
Just as she said that my dad came in the room yes hopefully I can get out of this

Dad: hey honey what happening in here he said as he kissed my mom on the cheek
Mom: Nothing except for your daughter getting in a fight the first week of school
Dad: oh I knew she was gonna be the fighter in this house did u win baby
Nicki: yea daddy I beat that girl she was busted up
Dad: good job baby I raised you well
Mom: don’t encourage her she shouldn’t be fighting at all she said as she nudged him in the side
Dad: oww I mean he said acting like he was getting something out of his throat yea you shouldn’t be fighting the first day of school
Mom: yea and did you get suspended
Nicki: no mama I aint get suspended I got 7 days of detention
Mom: how do you always get out of suspention
Nicki: I have my ways
Mom: well your not using that on me u want a whoopin or no electronics for a week
Nicki: mama why do I still get whoopins u treat me like a lil kid
Mom: well I guess that’s no electronics so bring me your phone and your laptop
Nicki: okay mama ill take a whoopin damn she mumbled under her breath
Mom: what was that young lady
Nicki: nothing mama nothing
Mom: that’s what I thought your dismissed

Nicki walked up to her room and slammed the door

Mom: don’t be slammin doors in my house I dare you to slam another I will come up there

Nicki just waved it off and went to sit on her bed and take off her shoes and her phone start ringing Roscoe dash sexy girl anthem blasted from her phone

Up and down and round round and round and round she go,
I love the way she move when she dancing on that pole.
All the sexy girls all across the world working hard to get they cash
Shawty this yo anthem gone and shake yo ass
She danced to the song as she walked to the phone

Nicki: hello
Drake: hey baby wyd
Nicki: nothing getting prepared for a whoopin
Drake: lmao you still get whoopins
Nicki: yea its not funny my mama over reactin it was just a fight and I didn’t want my phone or my laptop took
Drake: oh ok you know they gonna be talking bout all over the school for about a good week
Nicki: I see I mean I would to that was a god fight
Drake: yes I didn’t kno u had them hands
Nicki: yep I learned from the best my dad
Drake: I see that I wonder if she gon come to school tomorrow cuz she busted up
Nicki: I hope she do I wanna see what damage I did
Drake: aight don’t get in no trouble now
Nicki:aight gotta go my mama knockin on the door im bout to get my ass whipped pray for me lol
Drake: aight see you tomorrow and trust I will

Nicki let her mom in the room and she got a whoopin for what seemed like eternity and when she was done she was sore all over

I Beat Yo Ass!!

Miliah: *walking up to nicki* hey nicki why you been mean mugging me all day
Nicki: well if u must know.... the reason i been mean muggin u all day cuz u showed rake that vieo of me and trey but didnt show him the whole thing
miliah: *evil laugh* oh that... well u knew i wanted drake but u turned around and went out with him
nicki:well bitch its not my fault that he picked me over u cuz u jus another stank hoe
miliah: first of all i aint a bitch and second of all i ant a hoe i dont know why he picked you over me u just another ugly bitch

by this time they where yelling and everybody was coming out the building crowding around them waiting for a fight

nicki: bitch if i was ugly why all the dudes tryna holla when i first got here and u is a hoe i bet u sucked every nigga dick in the school then they kicked you to the curb

all the boys in the crowd yelled "true true" or "damn right"

miliah: bitch u already know that not true and if u wanna fight right know we can jack

the whole crowd of people started yelling " fight" and one girls said " nicki beat her ass i dont like that bitch anyway
nicki: nawl im good u jus mad cuz i i got ur man i i got ur man
nicki started singing strona D's i got ur man
miliah: oh so now u wanna be a shaky bitch i guess u just a shit talker
nicki: nawl bitch i aint no shit talker i jus dont wanna embarrass you in front of all yo lil friends

the whole crowd was full of "ooh's" and "oh's"
miliah: nawl bitch i can show you right now who ass gon get beat
nicki: well stop shit talkin and do it

they both took off all their jewelry and their hills and tied up their hair by then most of the school was outside wa5t5ng for the to fight

nicki: Aight bitch im ready run up and get done up im finna whoop you hoe

miliah ran up and hit nicki in the jaw that made nicki heated so she upper cut her and hit her in the jaw twice and miliah started to pull her hair
nicki: oh so bitch u wanna pull hair now

nicki took miliah's hair out of a pony tail and and wrapped it around her fist and kept hitting her in the jaw and nose. milaih tryed to pull hit her but she missed. they started to back up to cars so nicki started to hit her head on the car trunk. miliah tripped her so they fell onto the ground and nicki was on top so they let go of eachother hair and nicki hit her a few times in the face until her nose started bleading. nicki got up and rapped her hair around her fist again and dragged her while hitting her in the face. nicki got to the pole and started to bang her face in. miliah was holding on to nicki's leg trying to get her to fall again. miliah face was between nicki's legs so nicki bent doen and started to bang ger face in until she felt someone grabbing her by the arms

principle ketchings: break it p girls thats enough she said pulling them apart. go get your things and come with me 2 the office

they went to go get their things and all nicki heard was " damn nicki u beat that hoe" and "nicki got them hands" and all she could do was laugh she did beat her pretty good. she heard someone calling her name and she turned around

drake: damn nicki you beat that hoe ass i didnt know you had hands like that and you only got a few scratches but it aint even been a week and u fighting what was that all about
nicki: well that bitch was poppin off at the mouth soo i had to pop her in the mouth
drake: well u know what that leads to suspention im gonna miss you
nicki: *laughing* trust me im not gonna get suspended all i gotta do is put on that face and i get detintion
Drake: hopefully
principle: hurry up girls
nicki: well i gotta go i hope this hoe dont pop off again cuz i will beat her ass for a second time
drake: okay nicki keep you hands to yourself
they walked to the office and she told them to sit in a seat
ms.johnson: hey nicki what you in here for
ms.johnson; with who she said looking at miliah oh never mind i'll talk to you later

milah looked at nicki and mean mugged her
nicki: boo!!! what u lookin at dont make me pop u in this office

the principle called them in and made them sit away from eachother

pk:well girls it hasnt been a week of school and you've already been in a fight you already know where this leads to ....... suspention
nicki:but its the first week of school and all the important things are getting taught
pk: well you should of thought about that before u got in a fight
nicki:can i atleast get detention
pk: well u will have detention 7 days
nicki: 7 days !!!!!
pk: would you like to make that a week
nicki: ok i'll accept it
they walked out her room and went to get their things miliah went out the office and ms.johnson called nicki over

mj:girl what happened
nicki: she was poppin off at the mouth cuz drake picked me over her and i called her a hoe so i had 2 pop her in the mouth
mj:well i heard she is easy and i see u won gave a her a busted lip busted nose and black eye i see you dony play lol
nicki: no i dont play that well i gotta go i know my parents are gonna go balistic when they find this out
mj:wait before u go i have to ask how did u get her to give you detention she never does that
nicki:i give them a certain look lol see around ms.j
mj: alright bye nicki

nicki pulled up to her house and got ready to get in a world of trouble

I Dont Like You

Mom: hey babe I see your home
Nick: yea im just going to go upstairs love u
Both: with who
Nicki: how u know I had somebody
Dad: nicki we not stupid aint none of your tricks new
Nicki: *snapping her fingers* dang ummm…. Just some friends
Mom: how many
Nicki: 3
Dad: any boys
Nicki: *putting her down and mumbling * yea
Dad: how many
Mom: and 1 girl right
Nicki: yea
Mom: ok and yall don’t do nothing up there that yall will regret and me and your dad want 2 meet your boyfriend later
Nicki: what how did you know *shocked face*
Mom: we are your parents nicki we know you better than you know yourself

They walked up the stairs to nicki’s room and drake pulled her aside

Drake: yall plan something I got to go talk to nicki right quick
Both: aight

Drake took nicki to the room down the hall and closed the door behind him

Drake: so tell me what was up with what I saw
Nicki: okay I was going to get some soda from the soda machine and trey came up behind me and I thought it was you---
Drake: holdup how could you get our voices mixed up it’s a big difference
Nicki: I don’t know I guess It just sounds the same 2 me but anyway he started kissing on my neck then I turned around and saw it wasn’t you and I freaked out
Drake: I didn’t see the part where u freaked out it looked like you were fine with it to me
Nicki: no I wasn’t find with it and where did you get this video from
Drake: miliah
Nicki: what u got this from miliah im going to kill her drake don’t believe her she wanted you so I think she’s trying to break us up
Drake:ok I guess and nicki turn all the way around when somebody come up behind you again ok
Nicki: ok baby im sorry
Drake: it alright * he said pecking her on the lips *

They walked back to nicki’s room and saw Wayne and Lauren making out
Nicki: we said think of a plan not make out on my bed lol * she said chucking a pillow at them*
Both: ok dang

They made the plan and it was to happening tomorrow after school and nicki was going to handle miliah after school

Next day

The day went by and everybody had projects all over the place and nicki mean mugged miliah all day and trey was staring and nicki all day so drake got a little mad and miliah decided to talk to nicki in the parking lot after school

Miliah: *walking up to nicki* hey nicki why you been mean mugging me all day
Nicki: well if u must know……..


Nicki: HEY BABE!!!
Drake: I see u missed me *he said pecking her lips*
Nicki: yea did u miss me
Drake: of course I did
Nicki: good cuz I was finna say
Drake: wat u was finna say * he said pulling her closer and gripping her ass*
Nicki: nun I wasn’t finna say nun and that hurt u squeezed it to hard nigga *she said pushing him off her*
Drake: my bad u knows I jus had to, look at it *he said turning her around and pointing 2 it*
Nicki: well u got a point there baby *she said checking her butt out*
Drake: see even u cant deny it
Nicki: anyway where the others at
Drake: oh they outside by the parking lot today let me take u to them *he said walking her out the building*

When nicki saw everyone she jerked away from drakes arm and ran straight to Lauren and SB

Drake: so u jus gon ditch me like that nicki *he said putting his hands up like he was surrendering
Nicki: yep sorry
Lauren: hey girl
Nicki: hey WATS up with u it seems like I aint talked to u in ages how u and Wayne doin
Lauren: we doin good he jus always high as usual *she said side eyeing Wayne*
Wayne: girl don’t act like u don’t be wantin my stash u be smoking it 2 I know when it’s gone trust me I know my weed
Lauren: wateva boy that’s the only thing u do keep track of anyway nicki I see u left ya boy over there *she said looking over nicki’s shoulder at drake*
Nicki: yea he’ll be aight he can be bye himself 4 a while *turning to look at drake* aint that right lil boy
Drake: no I can’t and wat I tell aint nun lil on me and I’m a man *he said coming up to her from behind
Lauren: nicki u betta watch out he coming *she said pointing behind nicki*
Nicki: wat *she said turning to where Lauren was pointing* boy don’t run p cuz run up get done up
Drake: dang Lauren y u always snitching on me
Lauren: cuz I can
Nicki: im glad she snitched so I didn’t have to punch u in the face and trust me u don’t want that to happen
Drake: *chuckling* wateva nicki I can handle yo tiny self trust me *he said wrapping his arms around her waist*
Nicki: wanna bet
Drake: yep
Nicki: aight txt me when we gon handle this
Drake: aight I’ll txt u tonight we gon have a lil boyfriend and girlfriend competition
Nicki: aight wats gon happen when I win
All: I wanna see that txt us the details to
Nicki: lol yall crazy drake let me go I wanna talk to somebody else
Drake: word? It’s like that now u don’t wanna talk to me aight be like that *he said smiling*
Nicki: yea but I still love u lol * she said blowing him a kiss as she skipped over to SB*
Hey what u been doin today
SB: a ignorant coon as always wat u been up 2
Nicki: is that al u do and I been good
SB: yea that’s all I do cuz ignorants is bliss
Nicki: well all I do is be a Barbie cuz it Barbie bitch
SB: hey that rhyme lol
Nicki: it sholl do

The rest of the time nicki went around talking to everyone until the bell rang to go to dance

Nicki: c’mon Lauren, bey and the rest of yall she said grabbing their hands to put them in a chain
Lauren: do yall know wat we doin today
Ciara: I heard we learning a new dance we dancing to TLC no scrubs
All: I love that song

They went to the classroom and dressed out

Nicki: I hope I don’t be off beat cuz that’s jus embarrassing
Lauren: ikr I hate when people be off beat that jus mess me all the way up
Nicki: yep c’mon so I can get this class over wit lord knows I can dance a lick

They practiced their moves and by the end nicki was exhausted because they were sliding all over the floor and jumping over people

Nicki: man that was tiring I didn’t know we was gon have to do all that imma be soar in a few minutes
Lauren: girl who u telling im soar and I kinda messed up my hair I can’t be doin this now
Ciara: yall need 2 stop that was easy and fun
Nicki: got the fun part but easy my ass and that’s cus u was born to dance u and bey
Bey: uhuh yall can dance yall jus gotta get used to it then is easy you’ll see

They kept talking until the bell rang for the next class and they had to depart
Nicki: bye yall gotta go deal with the rapist and the weed head
All: * laughing* bye girl

As nicki walked to science she saw drake waiting at the door she knew he was waiting for her but she wanted 2 tease him

Nicki: boy who u waitin on *laughing*
Drake: u of course * he said holding out his hands for a hug*
Nicki: oh aight * she said pushing his hands out the way*
Drake: awe so u gon do me like that nicki
Nicki: yep*she said laughing and running to Wayne to give him a hug*
Wayne: wassup
Drake: so u gon give him a hug and not me nawl I aint havin that * he said running over to nicki and Wayne* where my hug nick
Nicki: boy leave me alone
Drake: ohh naw im takin that hug and kiss *he said as he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her in a hug but she dodged every kiss*
Nicki: u aint getting that kiss till I say so today *she said pulling away from him and chuckling*
Drake: aight he said goin 2 his seat
Nicki: that’s wat I thought

While the teacher was giving instructions on what to do he waited till she sat down to get nicki

Drake:* pulling nicki into a deep kiss* told u I was gon get that kiss I never give up
Nicki: that’s only cuz I was caught off guard ugh I hate u so much
Drake: love u 2 nicki
Nicki: * hitting him upside his head* pay attention to the teacher
Drake: wat I tell u bout that nicki I don’t want no abusive wifey
Nicki: to bad cus u got one this time nigga *hittin him upside his head again*
Drake: I am not accepting this I will deal wit u in the hallway
Nicki: aight imma be ready

Drake was ready for nicki in the hallway and soon as the bell rang he jumped out of his seat

Nicki: aight yall see yall a lil later *she said practically running out the door trying to get away from drake*
Drake: *running after her and putting his arm around her waist whispering in her ear* where u going nicki I thought u said u was gon be ready
Nicki: what u talking bout drake I didn’t do nothing * she said trying 2 act confused*
Drake: nicki u know exactly wat im talking bout nicki u scurred
Nicki: I aint Neva scurred *she said looking him the eyes*
Drake: then why was u running
Nicki: *ignoring the question* jus c’mon before I be late
Drake: okay * he said going in for wat looked like a kiss but was really bout to be a tickle attack*
Nicki: stop drake im to ticklish *she said in between laughs*
Drake: well 2 bad * he said now poking and tickling her* is that better
Nicki: no that’s 10x worse stop before im late fareal stop* she said now laughing uncontrollably and extremely loud*
Drake: shhh nicki *he said as people were staring at them while walking down the hall*
Nicki: well u should stop tickling me
Drake: okay dang u aint gotta be so loud *he said while he stopped tickling her* u tryna get a nigga in trouble
Nicki: yep u shoulda neva did that now u gon make me late I hate u
Drake: well u shoulda thought about that before u start hitting me and I love u 2 *he said pecking her on the lips*
Nicki: leave me alone im mad at u gonna make me late on purpose * she said pushing him*
Drake: im sorry bae u forgive me I love u * he said giving her a hug*
Nicki: yea u jus wont get a kiss from me all day
Drake: aww c’mon nicki now dets cold
Nicki: ol well

Nicki got to class and the teacher excused her for being late thankfully because she didn’t want to get in trouble already. They got started on their work today which was easy and ms.henry said they could talk quietly while doing but eventually it was super loud

Waka: nicki wats the answer to number 8
Nicki: boy this is advanced math u supposed to know this
Waka: u know I aint smart
Nicki: jus ignorant
SB: nicki u know don’t nobody know this stuff
Nicki: okay dang I didn’t know yall was that slow *she said giving them the answers*
Both: thanku

Nicki went over to go sit by Lauren cuz she did she didn’t want the boys getting no more of her answers they had to figure that out by themselves

Nicki: hey girl
Lauren: hey
Nicki: I moved over here cuz them boys stupid they asking for all my answers
Lauren: I coulda told u that they did that to me
Nicki: why didn’t u tell me?
Lauren: I wanted u to see for urself
Nicky: SB need a real smart girlfriend to deal wit him and she got to be patient cuz he jus ignorant lol
Lauren: we need to hook him up for real but with who
Nicki: ummm *nicki said thinking* maybeeeeee SHANELL yep her she can deal with him
Lauren: ur a genius but how can we hook them up cuz u know she stubborn and she always the one hooking people up and giving couple’s therapy now it time we do it for her
Nicki: yea we gotta plot this

The rest of the class nicki and Lauren were plotting on how to get SB and shanell together and they were going to put it into action tomorrow the bell rang and nicki was going to talk to drake and wayne about it in lunch. They got their lunch and nicki, drake, Lauren, and wayne sat on one side and everybody else sat on the other side

Drake: hey baby *he said holding out his arms trying to kiss her*
Nicki: * a inch away from his lips* nope what I tell you * pushing his hands away*
Drake: dang I thought you would forget
Nicki: nope I jus wanted to tease you
Drake: what about at the end of the day
Nicki: I’ll think about it
Drake: aight
Nicki: I’ll be right back

Nicki went to the vending machine to go get a soda and trey came up behind her but she thought it was drake

Nicki: hey baby I was just going to get a soda
Trey: oh so im ur baby now* he said kissing her on the neck
Nicki: yea always and stop I said no kisses
Trey: why * he said kissing her on the neck again*
Nicki: cuz u know what u did *she said turning around* OMG I THOUGHT U WERE DRAKE IM SO FUCKED

Miliah’s P.O.V
I know I did not just see this im glad I recorded it now I can show drake hopefully they break up cus I wanted him and she knew that now to find drake find

*walking to the cafeteria*

Miliah: drake can I talk to you * she said walking up to him*
Drake: what do you want * he said standing up*
Miliah: its something important *now whispering in his ear* it’s about you and nicki
Drake: what happened?
Miliah: let me show you *she said pulling out her phone and going away from the table *
Now showing him the video he was shocked he had some words for nicki when she came back

Drake: so now she want to play me ok ok
Miliah: are yall going to break up
Drake: im gon talk to her first * he said walking outside the cafeteria seeing trey and nicki finish up their conversation and trey walking off*

Drake: so what u go and get
Nicki: some soda *she said nervously*
Drake: what else *he said getting angry*
Nicki: nothing and why are you getting so red *she said now looking scared*
Drake: cuz nicki u tryna play me *he said on the verge of yelling*
Nicki: what are u talking about *she said looking even more scared*
Drake: oh so you don’t know what im talking about
Drake: that video wit u and trey
Nicki: drake I can explain
Drake: nawl nicki don’t explain here explain it to me when me wayne and Lauren come over your house tonight
Nicki: baby im sorry

Miliah’s P.O.V
Yes!! Just what I wanted to happen now if they just break up so I can have him all to myself I hope this plan works if not I have a plan B

*nicki and drake Walk back in and not saying a word*
Lauren: whats wrong with yall . you alright
Drake: nothing you’ll find out later on today

The rest of the day went by and drake and nicki didn’t say a word to each other

The Question

The next day nicki had 5th-8th period she couldn't wait to get back to school and hang with all new friends she made she got their 30 min early just to talk she saw waka and ran to him to give him a hug. Waka: dang girl u alright (he said chuckling). Nicki:yea I'm alright I was jus happy to see yall,speakin of yall where the rest of em at. Waka: oh ok and they down the hall cmon imma show u and drake been waitin for u for a while now. Nicki: oh he has well (she said blushing). Nicki was getting closer and closer to them and all she could hear was laughin and smiling. Nicki:hey yall wat yall been laughin about. All:nothin. Nicki:yes yall was cus if yall wasn't talkin bout nothin yall wouldn't have said yall was talkin bout nothin and everytime somebody say nothin yall are talkin bout sumthin so tell me what yall was talkin bout. All: (confused face) what. Nicki: jus nevamind (rolls her eyes). Drake: awww comon future wifey u don't gotta be like that (giving her a hug. Nicki: (pushing him off laughing) boy please go somewhere. Drake: (whisperin in her ear) u know u want me. Nicki: (giving gim the oh really look) wateva. All : what he jus say nicki. Nicki: a whole bunch of nothin. All: okay. The rest of the time they were talkin bout gossip in the school. *bell rings* drake to nicki:what class u goin to. Nicki: social studies. Drake: me ,omari,and chris goin to that class. Nicki:ugh not wit yall. Drake: idk y u playin (he said wrapping his arms around her waist). Nicki:let's jus go (she said pushing him away. They walked to the class and it was no seat left for nicki. Nicki: one of yall gon have to get up. All:not me. Nicki: (looking at drake with puppy dog eyes)plz. Drake:nope u betta sit on this table. Nicki:what! I don't wanna get in trouble. Drake: girl she aint gont care. Nicki: (sittin on the table) okay but if I get in trouble its on u. *teacher walks in* ms.benson: hi class as u all know since its ur first day in this class *she hears whispers*whats that ms.nicki. Nicki: nothin *whispers to drake* stop feelin on my leg befo I hurt u. Drake:nahh imma torture u. Ms.benson: like I was saying since its ur first day in this class u will be getting to know people and just walk around oh and before I go to sitdown *looks at drake* stop touchin on that girl I know u like her but damn leave her alone *whole class bust out in laughter. Drake: *suprised look* how u know ms.benson: don't worry bout it. Nicki to drake : nah na na nahh nahh u got caught *lil kid voice* drake: man wateva. Nicki: *getting up* don't get mad cuz u got caught. Drake: *rubbin her thighs again* bet she didn't see that. Nicki: *lookin at the teacher starin at her computer* leave me alone u rapist. Drake: its not rape if u like it and it don't gotta be like that future wifey *he said giving her a hug and layin his head on her neck* nicki: see u tryna rape me. Drake: but its not rape cuz u like it don't u. Before she could say anything chris and omari came over. Both:uh uh yall need 2 break it up we want nicki 2. Drake: don't yall niggas got girlfriends. Chris:yea but I'll break up wit mine 4 nicki. Omari: me 2 I mean look at her. Drake: well wateva she gon be mine cuz like I said she me future wifey. Nicki:umm I'm rite here and drake u aint did nothin yet so go on somewhere and get off me*pushes him off and act like she mad and walks away* drake:baby I kno u aint mad *rapping his arms around her from behind* we aint mean it like that we sorry *kissing her neck* both:wat we tell u drake. Nicki: *turnin around* boy I wasn't even mad I was jus playin and stop kissing me until I'm urs. Drake:aight dets gon be soon. Nicki: well see if I don't get scoop up soon. Nicki drake chris and omari talked the rest of the class. *bell rings* drake:what class u got next. Nicki: language arts. Drake:mane I don't got that next. Nicki: nigga I'm glad I can't deal wit u all dey anyway. drake: aight see u lata future wifey. Nicki: boy bye. Nicki was walkin to class and she saw lauren and keri and she ran to hug em. Nicki: hey yall I didn't know yall had this class. Both: yea we do. Nicki : yay atleast I got girl friends in this class and don't gotta deal wit all dem boys. Keri: but it is this one fine boy that u might like. Nicki: ohhh I wanna see *running in and sitting next to him and lauren and keri sitting by her* ms.houston: *walks in* hi class u already know what we doin today right. Class:yes. Ms.houston: good now go ahead. *everyone get up and walks around* trey: well hello pretty lady my name trey what's urs. Nicki: *blushing* I'm nicki and ur a cutie to *thinkin in her head he fine as hell* trey: thanku well I wanna to get to know more about u R U good with that. Nicki: yea sure. *smilin hard* *lauren and keri talking* lauren: ohh girl look at them to they look like they hittin it off but I really think nicki and drake would make such a cute couple. Keri: girl don't worry she probably gon end up with drake u need 2 see how they was flirtin in class but then again idk. Lauren:yea hopefully but we'll se what happens by the end of this week. *the rest of the class everyone keeps talking then the bell rings* *everyone goes 2 lunch* nicki lauren and keri get their food. *in the lunch line* keri: so did u and trey hit it off. Nicki: yea and he is fiiinnneee. Lauren: ikr well who u gon pick. Nicki: what u mean. Keri: she talkin about R U gonna go with trey or drake. Nicki: girl idk but I'm not to worried about that right now. Lauren: girl u gon have to pick sooner or later cus they will be fightin over u trust me I know. *walking to the table* nicki: we gon finish this converstion later oh and I met this girl miliah she real cool. Drake: are u gon sit by me today or wat nicki. Nicki:well. SB:nawl she gon sit by her coontastic brother today homeboy. Nicki: yeas what he said. Drake:what!?!? U can't be ditchin me everyday future wifey or we gon have some problems. Nicki: boy whateva. *few minutes later* drake: nicki can I talk to u in the hallway for a minute. Nicki: sure. *walkin in the hallway* drake: we'll nicki I jus wanted to say *interuppted* miliah:nicki can I talk to you for a minute. Nicki:yea.*tells drake to hold on* miliah: do u like drake in any kind of way becuz I like em to and I kinda wanna u kno. Nicki: ohhh well I kinda do but u can ask him. Miliah: okay let me go ask him right now. Nicki: but I *interrupted* trey: hey nicki can I talk to u. Nicki: yea. Trey: well I jus wanted to make sure u know ur beautiful right. Nicki:yea* blushing* trey:and u know u have the most beautiful shape I have ever seen right *liftin her chin up and blockin her in* nicki was about to push him away until she saw miliah all on drake so she said why not. Nicki: yea *blushin even harder* trey: I know I have only known u for a day but u seem like a amazing person and I was wonderin if u could be mine. Nicki: *lookin suprised* well I might have to think on det I will Get u that answer later. Trey: okay but sleep on it and have me in ur heart *kissing the corner of her mouth and walking off* nicki: *now blushing hard as ever* wow. *about to walk back to the caferteria almost forgetting about drake until he grabbed her by her arm. Nicki: what u want and quit grabbin me *snatchin away* drake: what was that all about wit u and trey back there u let him be all on u when u know I want u and I was right there. Nicki: well it'd be different if we was together and u didn't tell me u wanted me so how was I supposed to know and it aint like u didn't let miliah be all on u. Drake: I showed that I wanted u and we was about to be together until we got interuppted and it aint like I wanted her on me I wanted u on me. Nicki: u don't know if I woulda said yea tho. Drake: oh so its like that now nicki. Nicki:yea *stompping off* going back 2 their seats in the caferteria and glaring at each otherr every now and then* wayne: what's wrong wit barbie and ken. Nicki: barbie and ken was together and we aint so don't say det. Wayne: aight well damn my bad. *bell rings for them to go to the next class* SB: what class u got next nik. Nicki: umm art. SB: oh that's cool we got it with SNL drake and waka. Nicki: ughh not him. SB: what's wrong wit u nik. Nicki: nothin jus tired. *walking to class* ms.jackson: class u know what to do go ahead and get started. *drake and SNL convo* SNL: drake I think u should really talk to nicki. Drake:what are u talkin bout. SNL I heard everything that went on wit u and nicki in the hall cuz I was getting a few things. Drake: ohh that I know but she knew how I felt and she did that I know we wasn't together but. SNL: I know jus be the bigger man and apologize I know she won't cuz this how girls operate jus go. Drake: aight I'll try but if she don't apologize it aint my faughlt. *nicki and drake convo* drake: *grabbing nicki by the waist* can I talk to u for a minute. Nicki: ughhhhh okay *going in the hall. Drake: I apologize for earlier I know I overreacted but I wanted u since I first laid eyes on u and I was going to ask u to be mine but we got interrupted and all that other stuff and u know but can u jsu forgive me and be mine. Nicki: *silent 4 a minute* okay I'll forgive u but idk if I can be urs*she said lightly chuckling* drake: what nicki c'mon stop playin wit me. Nicki: okay on 1 condition. Drake: okay what is that. Nicki don't be mad if I beat miliah ass for comin on to you oh and don't try to rape me again. Drake: *rubbin up and down her legs* okay. Nicki: *hittin his hand* wat I say. Drake: *doin it again* its not rape if u like it *kissing on her neck* nicki: *hitting the back of his head* stop boy we in school. Drake: I told u I don't want no abusive wifey u gon stop hittin me. Nicki: *hittin him again* what if I don't wanna. Drake: then don't ever invite me to yo house. *they stayed in the hall kissin 4 a few minutes* drake: c'mon let's get in the class befo they suspect somethin. Nicki:u don't tell me what to do. Drake: *hittin her butt* girl get in that class. Nicki: okay dang lil nigga. Drake: aint nuttin lil on me. Nicki: we gon see bout that. *the rest of the time they talked to each other and some other people* *bell rings* SNL:what class u got next. Nicki: advisory in ms.newson. SNL: oh u got that wit me and ya hubby I know u happy. Nicki: how u know we got together. SNL: trust me I know everything. *in the next class ms newson wasn't there so it was time to wild out* nicki and drake made out the whole time so where other couples some where practically havin sex. It was the end of the day the group got back together and said their goodbyes and when they saw them kiss they were shocked they asked every question in the book and now it was bout to be a lot of drama

My First day

As nicki walked in all she saw were cute boys up and down the hall and sll she could do was stare but what she didn't know was all eyes were on her since she was the new girl in school with the perfect shape and most beutifal shape. While she was staring she didn't knotice a girl walking up to her by the name of lauren london. "Hi" she said with the biggest smile on her face "what's ur name" she said "My names onika but people call me nicki"she said shaking her hand"You must be new"she said looking at her shoes she had on "Yea how did you know" she said with a smile "Because all the boys always stare and the newest and cutest girls"she said pointing to all the dudes staring at nicki " Oh I didn't knotice because I was staring to"she said blushing "Its okay,I gotta admit it is some cute dudes in here but watch out cus some of em won't treat u right and some have a girl and still will try to talk to u but some are really sweet for example chris brown is the one that won't treat u right tyga is the one that got a girl but will still try to talk to u and drake is one of the sweet ones"she said pointing to all of them and they all wiggled their eyebrows and licked their lips at nicki as she blushed but she kept her eyes on drake as lauren waved her hands over nicki face trying to get her attention nicki snapped out of it and said "They all are really cute but that guy drake looks like a keeper"nicki said looking over to lauren"well nicki u got enough time to worry about the boys its the first day of school u have the whole year"she said laughing"let's get u to the office so u can get your schedule"as they were walking to the office nicki was thinking about how sad she felt this morning since she had to transfer but know she felt happy that's she was making friends the first day of 10th grade year.As they walked in the office Ms.Johnson said"You must be Onika"Ms.Johnson said looking nicki in the face "Yes but people call me nicki"nicki said walking over to shake her hand"Well I'm Ms.Johnson I work here in the office" she said shaking her hand back"well Ms.Johnson I'm looking for my schedule" "I know let me go print that out right now" she said walking into the backroom"nicki she real cool she will tell you about all the trifaling people in this school and all the sweet people she get all the dirt I kust don't know how" lauren said chuckling "Well i want her to tell me all the dirt when I need it" nicki said chuckling"don't worry she will she tell me all the stuff that go down in the halls of Middleton highschool"she said as she was chuckling and Ms.johnson was coming out with nickis schedule"what are u girls laughin about"she said as she came in while they were laughing"Oh nothing I was just telling her how u know all the dirt that goes down in this school"she said laughing "Oh yeah I forgot to tell u I saw that boy omarion and his girl ciara arguing in the halls this morning already what a shame its only the first day of school"she said handing nicki the schedule "about what now"lauren said crossing her arms "she said that she saw him at a party that he thought she wasn't going to all on some other girl" she said sitting back down in her chair "not again omari and her always arguin"she said shaking her head"well atleast u know what u gont know what they yellin about in science today" she said chuckling "thanks for the heads up so I can sit on the other side of the room" she said chuckling "nicki can I see your schedule so I can see what classes we got together"she said holding her hand out "yea" nicki said as she was passing it to her. As she was looking at the schedule she told nicki what periods they had together"we have 1st which is dance 4th which is science 3rd which is math 6th wich is language arts and 5th which is social studies" she said giving the schedule back "we are gonna be total besties" nicki said jumping up and down "I know right"lauren said jumping up and down with her "girls u R free to leave now u have about 30 minutes before ur first class"she said waving them out "Ok see u later Ms.Johnson" they said at the same time "see u later ladies" Ms.Johnson said as they walked out"well nicki let me go introduce you to some people"lauren said grabbing nickis hand walking her down the hall they went over to a group of people in the hall so lauren could introduce her"well this is ciara,chris,omarion,tyga,drake,rihanna,shannel,wayne my man of course,beyonce,jay-z,waka,and Safarre aka SB I think SB will be ur bestfriend he is very ignorant"she said laughing "and coontastic"he added on doing the robot and everybody laughin "u guys this is nicki she is new of course"all the girls gave her a hug and the boys shook her hands but drake didn't want that "nawl I want a hig like all the other girls"he said chuckiling"but ur not a girl"nicki said smiling "I don't care I'm getting special treatment and I better be the only only one" he said in a cocky tone "step ya cockiness DOWN "nicki said in her new york accent"whatever,but where my hug lil bit"he said holding his hands out "well u gonna accept this hand shake cus I get what I want"she said and everybody ooed as she laughed "aight be like that the but I will get that hug sometime today" he said shaking her hand "I see this coon gon try to get this coonete before somebody else do" "that's right" he said laughing as nicki playfully rolled her eyes "well do is this yall clique or sumthin" she said looking at all of them."Yea we are some of the most popular kids in this school wen u hang out with us u will be know" Chris said "well aslong as its not to much drama where I don't have to beat a bitch its cool" she said laughing "well the only drama in this group is them 2"tyga said side eyeing ciara and omari " I know yall not talkin bout us they got more drama then us"ciara said side eyeing chris and rihanna "wateva we still love eacother " they said kissing "stop with the mushy stuff go back to being coons and coonetes" he said as everyone laughed."Well I guess we gotta head to 1st period" lauren said grabbing nickis hand "we take it with ciara beyonce omari chris shannel and SB" she said "well good maybe we won't do anything today so I can get to know yall better" "yea I'm the real ignorant one cuss ignorance is bliss u can call me SB" he said as everyone shook their head "ok SB I see u icey". She said laughin "yea I stay iced up" "anayway" shannell said pushing him aside"my name shanell I'm girly and always hyper u can kall me SNL" "ok and by the way I luv that's nose ring" she said smiling "thanks girl" "I'm beyonce and that's ciara we can dance our ass off u can call me Bey and her CeCe" she said smiling "ok yall need to teach me somthin cuz I can't dance 4 shit" she said laughin "girl u will learn messin with us and ms.williams our dance teacher" "I'm chris and that's omarion we some of the best dancers in the class" "oh well omarion can I call u omarington I like it it has a special ring 2 it " she said chuckling "sure" " and chris can I call u breezy it look like it fits u " That's me" he said chuckling "and u already know me lauren a durr " "of course new bestie" she said jumping up and down. As they got in the class they went to go sit on a mat "well as some of u know I'm Ms.Williams I will be ur dance teacher for this year today we will not be do anything today I will let u all walk around and get to know each other" as she said that evrybody got up and seperated . Nicki went to walk around to find domebosy to talk to and she could feel all the boys eyes on her ass and she felt uncomfartable. As she was walking around someone bumped into her by the name of neyo "my bad" he said turning around "its alright" she said trying to keep her balance " so what's ur name he said with a smile "onika but people call me nicki"she said shaking his hand "well nicki I have to say ur gorgeous" he said smiling "thanks" she siad blushing "any time pretty lady" he said kissing her hand "well let me go talk to my other homies bye"he said waliking o leaving her blushing.she walked over to lauren "hey how much time we got in here she said looking around "like 15 more minutes" she said "ok" she said sitting on a mat as she ignored dudes trying to hollar at her when the bell finally rang she jumped up and grabbed laurens hand "I'm mad I don't have next period with u "she said huggin her "its okay I have 3rd period with u remeber" "okay see u later" she said walking out the class as she walked up the stairs she heard drakes voice and started walking slower "is that ms nicki I see " he said speeding up "yea" she said turning around "what class u goin to lil bit " "health" she said with the biggest grin "I got health to so does wayne" he said grining "really wayne sound cool"she said nodding "he is and he funny as hell" he said chuckling "Good I like to laugh" she said grinning . As they walked nicki sat at the table with drake and wayne and another chick "hi wats ur name" she said "I'm onika but u can call me nicki"she said shaking her hand "well nicki my name is keri" as she said that the teacher walked in "class my name is Ms.harris and I am ur health teacher we don't do much in this class but we will have a few projects this year and barely any homework" as she said that everybody cheered and made dog noises "today we will be walkin around getting to know everyone like all ur other classes will be doing so just enjoy" as she said that nicki was about to get up until she felt someone grab her hand "he let me talk to u for a minute lil bit" he sai leading nicki over to a corner. "What u wanna talk to me bout drizzy" she said smiling "oh so u callin me drizzy now and i wanted to jus say u fine no disrespect im jus tellin the truth" he said puttin one hand on the wall and blocking her in "thanku drake"she said blushing. they jus sat their staring into each others eyes until wayne came an said something "what yall nigga doing i know drake aint trna be no playa playa " wayne said chuckling "nawl we jus havin a friendly conversation "he said as they all chuckled "it don't look like that to me I think ken want him some barbie" he said looking at both of them "wellll" drake said looking at nicki "let me leave yall stupid" nicki said walking away "aight see u later futur wifey"drake said as he watched nicki walk away . As nicki was walking around she saw rihanna "HEY RIRI" she said running to rihanna "hey nicki" she said chuckling. Can I call u that I like it. "U know dis" she said chuckling for the rest of th class she talk to riri and occasionaly to drake and wayne and keri as the bell rang her next class was math right across the hall so she didn't rush but when she saw lauren she almost tackled her "dang nicki u that excited 2 see me" she said laughing "yea it feels like centuries" she said laughing .as she walked in math she saw waka and jay-z she sat in between waka and lauren "so what we do in here " she said looking around "she cool but we still gotta do work but me and my mane OJ da juice make it hype" "oh really we'll see"she said laughin at waka shaking his dreads and the teacher came in "boy if u don't stop shakin those damn dreads" she said as everybody laughed "ok dang ms.henry u don't gotta yell at a nigga" he said makin the class laugh "well I did have to yell cuz of all that damn hollerin u was doin boy and why do u scream ur name we already know it we aint dumb " that made the class burst out in laughter "ok class quiet down I guess as you all know we will be walking around getting to know each other" all the class stood upand as she stood up she saw SB across the room and ran to hug him "hey SB the most ignorant coon in the world " she said hugging him "PAM PAM" he said making the whole class laugh "I see u know me and wacka and OJ ignorant like no other" he said nodding his head "I see its coontastic" she sai laughing for the rest of the class she was chattin up with SB and before she knew it the bell rang and it was time for lunch she found lauren got her lunch and by the time she got their everybody had their seats and nicki was looking for one "sit by me nicki" he said patting the sit by him "nawl don't sit by that high yellow nigga sit by the ignorant one"waka said laughing "nawl he gon get dreads all in yo food " drake said laughin making the whole table laugh "nawl that nigga gon try to touch all on u" waka said laughing "don't hate cuz that's my future wifey"drake said looking at nicki making the whole table look at her and her mouth wide open until someone bey told her to sit by her and she said "boys" as bey agreed saying "I know right"they chatted it up and ate lunch while drake occasionaly called future wifey over and over again so know it was stuck in her head "future wifey what class u got next" he said and the table silenced waitin for her answer "science"she said and everybody said "so u his future wifey now" and nicki did a blank stare "only cus he drilled it in my head" she said smirking "what I tell yall I get what I want" he said lookin at everybody "boy shutup"nicki said playfully pushing him "y u gotta be abusive I'm not finna have no abusive wifey am I cuz I'm gon have to abuse somethin else" he said chuckling "mane step ya dick DOWN" she said laughing "ooohhh she got u in check" chris said as everybody looked at him " I know u aint talkin while rihanna got u in check over there" she said and everybody looked at him and said "U JUST GOT BURNT" and everybody bust out laughing and then the bell rang for 4th period and she had that with drake shannelkeri as they walked into the classroom the teachers began to talk "my name is Ms.Thomas and as u all should know we aren't doing anything today but walking around getting to know each other" as she said that lauren walked over to her and said "well u drake future wifey now okay I see u " she said laughing " I don't know. Gotta look at some other dudes first" she said smiling "okay we'll se who scoop u up first" she said as they both laughed before she knew it it was the end of the day and time for everyone to go home and she said all her goodbyes as u know drake always want more "I want a hug and a kiss on the cheek now future wifey" he said laughin "okay boy " she said giving him his wish "oh and before u go wats ur number " everyone said and she gave them all her number and headed home